Anger Management

passive anger

What's your "go-to" anger management strategy?

Hold it in?  Let it out?  Deny it altogether?  These are typical solutions that you and most people have used to manage anger thoughts, emotions, and the events and people that trigger them.  The problem with these options is that they are ineffective.  Why?  Because your thoughts, emotions and triggers are NOT THE PROBLEM!  However, your repeated attempts to control thoughts, emotions and triggers are creating a problem and increasing your suffering.

Bayview Counseling Services offers interventions and tools aimed at decreasing the suffering that anger has caused by teaching you how to redirect your energy and focus away from controlling the uncontrollable (and yes, your thoughts and emotions are uncontrollable), and instead turning your focus toward what’s important to you—what you value.  You will learn how to change your responses to anger triggers and change your perspective on anger from one of judgment and fear, to one of acceptance and compassion.

Are you ready to take action or continue to be ruled by reaction?

Anger Management Treatment Professional

Contact Me

(866) 659-7579




9:00 AM-7:30 PM


9:00 AM-7:30 PM


9:00 AM-7:30 PM


9:00 AM-7:30 PM


9:00 AM-7:30 PM


10:00 AM-2:00 PM

